06 February, 2010

Surviving their choice of movie...

Tonight was family movie night.  My children (5, 3, and nearly 2) are frightened by any movie containing anything resembling a "plot" (things like bad guys, scary music, or tense moments), so The Oldest decided we should watch Bob the Builder.  I decided the only way I would survive, was to knit.

The Oldest was positively convinced that it is not possible to both knit and pay attention to the movie.  (Trust me, I was giving as much attention as I could handle).  He kept saying "Look, Mama!  This part is funny!  Stop knitting and WATCH!" 

The Youngest wanted to sit in my lap.  He kept grabbing my arms to hoist himself up.  He kept stepping on my ball of yarn, and sitting on my WIP. 

It wasn't a great night for knitting, but, on the other hand, I got more knitting done tonight than I have in the last few days combined...since I actually got it out and worked on it.  So maybe family movie nights aren't quite so antithetical to my knitting as it may at first appear.

05 February, 2010

Take time to check gauge.....

Right.  Does anyone actually do that...for a HAT?  Oh dear, well, I guess I should have.  I just finished knitting two Thorpe hats (for my brothers, whose birthdays are Dec. 28 and Jan. 3, respectively), and the first one came out absolutely HUGE.  Now, my brother has a really big head, but this is pushing it a bit I'm afraid.  We'll see.


I guess you can't really see it in that picture, but the thing is positively baggy on my poor dh (who is so obliging about my blogging - and knitting - weirdnesses).
Here's the second one:


Fits better around, but too long.    I followed the pattern on length.  Really.  Dh insists it is fine, but I think he just wanted me to stop griping about the hat.  
I am, however, very pleased with the herringbone braids I used to finish them: